Intimate Tutorials Banners & Affiliate Commission

Below are a selection of banners that can be placed on your website or blog to link back to us at []. If you take the banners from this page you will not receive any commission on sales.

Earn Affiliate Commission
If you would like to earn commission on referrals to Intimate Tutorials then you MUST register through the CCBill Affiliate scheme by completing their form and providing your web site name, (to show where our banners will be placed and your personal and banking details so as to earn commission.
Click here to become an affiliate.
Note: Once you have completed registration and you have been accepted by CCBill you will be given access to the same banners as below, but these banners are provided with a bespoke link so as to track referrals. Within your CCBill account you will also be able to view commission earnings that will be sent to you by CCBill directly.